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Handing In Your Notice

Navigate Your Career Transition with Confidence

Handing in your notice can be a significant but daunting step in your career transition.

Here are some tips to help you navigate the process :

1. Choose the right time:

  • Pick a suitable time to discuss your resignation with your manager.
  • Avoid busy periods or stressful moments when your manager may be preoccupied or overwhelmed.
  • Find a time when both you and your manager can have a private and uninterrupted conversation.

2. Be clear and concise:

  • Keep your resignation letter and conversation brief and to the point. 
  • State your intention to resign, provide the effective date of your departure, and express your gratitude for the opportunities and experiences you have had with the company. 
  • Avoid going into unnecessary details or expressing negative opinions.

3. Remain professional and positive:

  • Maintain a professional and positive demeanor during the resignation process.
  • Even if you have grievances or issues with the company or your role, it's best to approach the conversation with a constructive and respectful attitude.
  • Focus on the future and your own career aspirations.

4. Offer assistance during the transition:

  • Demonstrate your willingness to assist with the transition process. 
  • Offer to train or hand over your responsibilities to a colleague, create a comprehensive handover document, or provide any necessary support to ensure a smooth transition for your team.

5. Discuss your notice period:

  • Clarify the notice period required by your employment contract or company policy.
  • Be prepared to work out the full notice period, unless alternative arrangements are mutually agreed upon.
  • Discuss any outstanding vacation days or other entitlements.

6. Request a reference:

  • Express your desire to maintain a positive relationship with the company and ask for a reference. 
  • A reference from your current employer can be valuable for future job applications. 
  • If possible, provide details of a preferred contact person who can provide the reference.

7. Review your handbook or contract

  • Review company policies and contract to understand your rights and responsibilities.
  • Discuss with your recruiter or seek legal help if needed.
  • Prepare for possible immediate departure upon giving notice

8. Stay connected with colleagues:

  • As you move on to a new opportunity, consider staying connected with your colleagues.
  • Networking can be valuable in your career, and maintaining positive relationships can lead to future opportunities or collaborations.

9. Leave on a high note

  • Avoid sharing negative experiences of your time  and instead focus on expressing gratitude to your colleagues.
  • Make sure to thank them for their support and hard work.
  • By quitting professionally, you can ensure that you maintain positive relationships with your coworkers.
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